Albert Eienswine
by Donna Kennedy
Albert Eienswine
Donna Kennedy
Digital Art - Mixed Media
Albert Eienswine-AI+digital artwork by Donna Kennedy-edited in Topaz Studio...
A cute piglet enjoying the morning sun...
Pigs are also known as hogs or swine. Male pigs of any age are called boars; female pigs are called sows. Sows give birth to a litter of young called piglets. They usually nurse the piglets for three to five weeks. Piglets weaned off their mother’s milk are not called piglets but are referred to as shoats. Piglets weigh about 2.5 pounds at birth, and usually double their weight in one week. Fully grown, pigs can grow to between 300 and 700 pounds (140 and 300 kilograms), and sometimes much more. Pigs have poor eyesight, but a great sense of smell. The pig’s nostrils are on its leathery snout, which is very sensitive to touch. The pig uses the snout to search, or root, for food. Pigs are among the smartest of all domesticated animals and are even smarter than dogs.
Despite their reputation, pigs are not dirty animals. They’re actually quite clean. The pig’s reputation as a filthy animal comes from its habit of rolling in mud to cool off. Pigs that live in cool, covered environments stay very clean.
Thank you to the Administrators that Featured this artwork in the following Groups:
-Animal Mania
-Fine Art America Professionals
-New FAA Uploads
December 11th, 2023