Becker's White
by Donna Kennedy
Becker's White
Donna Kennedy
Photograph - Photographs
Original Fine Art Photography by Donna Kennedy..
Photographed at Rancho San Rafael Park in Reno, Nevada
Becker's White-Pontia beckerii
A characteristic species of the East slope and Great Basin, sporadically breeding at Donner Pass but not persistent and not descending the West slope. Its green underside mottling is distinctive and unique. The early-spring brood is small and very intensely-colored, with the underside mottling dark blackish-green. Inside the forewing cell is a square black bar with a curved white center. The underside of the hindwing of both sexes has wide green edging along the veins, confined by a white median band. It flies slightly later than the Western White in most places. Males fly along linear habitats such as roadsides. Both sexes are often seen in alfalfa fields. There are multiple broods (generally 3 at Sierra Valley) with the species flying from March-April to (usually) October. In the Nevada desert they often feed on Prince's Plume (Stanleya pinnate). Both sexes visit Brassicaceous flowers but also those of Alfalfa, Rabbitbrush, Goldenrod, Aster and a variety of other things. It is not uncommon to encounter this species flying through sagebrush-bittehrbrush shrub far from any flowers at all.
Thank you to the Administrators that Featured this photo in the following Groups:
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January 29th, 2017
Comments (32)
Rainbow Artist Orlando L
This is a stunning capture!! always exciting for me to see bee and butterfly at work!! really a wonderful image Donna!! L/F
Tejsweena Renu Krishan
WOW!!! It's so very mesmerizing, ravishing, stunning and paradisaical, my dearest angelic soul Donna. Love this from the core of my soul. Stay blessed, happy and live free. :) L/F