Crested Quacker
by Donna Kennedy
Crested Quacker
Donna Kennedy
Photograph - Photographs
Original Fine Art Photography by Donna Kennedy-
Photographed in Reno, Nevada-texture added for an artistic enhancement...
Some domestic birds have interesting headgear. Chickens have combs and turkeys have snoods and wattles, but most ducks simply have smooth feathers on their heads (albeit sometimes brightly colored feathers). Not crested ducks. Not to be confused with the wild crested duck of South America, this fancily-quoiffed duck is descended from the domestic mallard and sports a pouf of feathers growing out of back of its head. This crest is actually caused by a genetic mutation that duck breeders have selected for. This mutation causes a duck to be born with a gap in its skull, which is filled with a growth of fatty tissue. It's from this growth that the pouf of feathers sprouts. Crested ducks come in a variety of breeds and colors.
Thank you to the Administrators that Featured this photo in the following Groups:
-Fine Art America Professionals
-All About Birds
-Real Beautiful Birds
-Your Story of Art
-Square Art World
-Ducks Geese and Swans Only
-Just Perfect
March 20th, 2023
Comments (20)
Shoal Hollingsworth
Wonderful work. Thank you for submitting your image to the Ducks, Geese and Swans Only Group where the image is now featured on the home page. Feel free to post this in the Featured archive in the group discussion page section L/F