Diving Redhead Duck
by Donna Kennedy
Diving Redhead Duck
Donna Kennedy
Photograph - Photographs
Original Fine Art Photography by Donna Kennedy-
Photographed in Reno, Nevada
Redheads (Aythya americana) breed in the northern prairies of the United States and Canada and the intermountain marshes of the west. They prefer non-forested environments with water areas sufficiently deep to provide permanent and fairly dense emergent vegetation for nesting. Of the diving ducks, redheads are the most common breeders in the United States.
The redhead usually measures about 18 to 20 inches long and weighs approximately 2 to 3 pounds. Drakes in full breeding plumage are bold with cinnamon/red-colored heads and necks, bright yellow eyes, dark gray or black breasts and rear ends, and finely mottled gray sides. Their rounded heads sport a pale blue/gray, black-tipped bill. Redheads dive to feed on seeds, rhizomes, tubers of pondweeds, wild celery, water lilies, grasses and wild rice. They also feed on mollusks, aquatic insects, and small fish.
Thank you to the Administrators that Featured this photo in the following Groups:
-Ducks Geese and Swans Only
-Water Forms
-Fine Art America Professionals
-Intent of the Artist
-Animals and Birds in the Wild
-Wildlife One A Day
-Wild Birds of the World
February 6th, 2023
Comments (32)
Hanne Lore Koehler
WOW, Donna! What a fantastic capture of this diving duck! Amazing focus, detail, light and composition! Just awesome! L/F/T
Dawn Currie
Congratulations! This fine image of an identified wild bird is among the features for 2/13/2023! Thank you for sharing with the Wild Birds of the World - A Nature Photography Group. Please take a moment to add it to the February 2023 Features discussion for additional visibility.