Hey, This One Is Available
by Donna Kennedy
Hey, This One Is Available
Donna Kennedy
Photograph - Photographs
Original Fine Art Photography by Donna Kennedy..
Texture added for an artistic enhancement, photographed in Sun City Center, FL
Eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) are small birds with short, slender beaks and short legs. They are brightly colored, with a blue upper body, red breast, and white belly. Males have wing and tail feathers that are blue with black or gray shafts and tips. Females look similar to males, but are usually duller in color and are slightly larger.
Bluebirds perch erect on wires, posts, and low branches in open country, scanning the ground for prey. They feed by dropping to the ground onto insects or, in fall and winter, by perching on fruiting trees to gulp down berries.
Bluebirds commonly use nest boxes as well as old woodpecker holes.
Thank you to the Administrators that Featured this photo in the following Groups:
-Art For Passion-Passion For Art
-Real Beautiful Birds
-A Woman's Touch
-Art-It Is Good For You
-Fine Art America Professionals
-Intent of the Artist
-Lady Photographers and Artists
-1 A Day Waiting Room Art
-Just Perfect
February 10th, 2023
Comments (45)
Mary Machare
This is so beautiful, Donna. Wonderful capture of this bluebird on his new birdhouse! LF
Angeles M Pomata
Wonderful light and expression in this adorable and precious capture, Donna!! I LOVE it!! L/F/T